Title I

Program Abstract
The Hampstead Title I program is a federally funded program designed to help students reach the high reading and mathematics standards identified by the New Hampshire Department of Education and our district reading and math curricula. Students are referred to the Hampstead Central School (HCS) Title I program by their classroom teachers as in need of assistance based upon a series of criteria. Selection criteria include:
classroom reading or math performance,
performance on grade level assessments,
DIBELS, i-Ready Reading and Math Diagnostic assessment scores,
assessment of Tier 2 progress, and
other considerations that may affect students’ performance such as frequent absences, migrant or homeless.
Parents of students eligible for participation are requested to give permission for their children to participate, followed by a signed agreement by the student, parent, classroom teacher, Title I tutor, and school principal to actively work together to create success for that child.
As part of the Three-Tier Model of Instruction adopted by the district, the classroom teacher is the Title I student's primary instructor with Title I tutor focusing on effective practices to reteach and/or reinforce essential reading and math standards, concepts, and skills. The goal of this targeted Tier 3 instruction is for Title I students to achieve grade level reading and math expectations.
To evaluate the progress of the student, the Title I tutor documents daily the work of the student, communicates weekly with the classroom teacher, reading specialist and/or Title I Project Manager to review the progress of the student. The tutors will also submits to the reading specialist and/or Title I Project Manager a quarterly review of the student's progress which will then be shared with the child and his/her parents.
Parents are strongly encouraged to become involved in the implementation of the Title I program through the following: the Title I Student/Parent/Teacher compact; quarterly progress reports; parent conferences; use of the Title I website; participating in school events; and volunteering at school.
To support the development of grade level math concepts and skills at home, students, for example, may borrow a “math pack”, which is a backpack filled with grade level workbooks and materials. Title 1 students have an opportunity to participate in additional tutoring support during the summer months to retain and strengthen reading skills attained during the school year. Title I reading and math students are also given information on joining the summer reading program at the Hampstead Public Library.
In-district professional development for staff in the teaching of reading through the Journeys English Language Arts program will continue throughout the school year as will professional development in the teaching of math through the Big Ideas math program.
To assess if the Title I program is working effectively, parents and teachers of Title I students are surveyed yearly. The parent survey addresses the following:
improvement of their child’s reading or math skills through participation in the program
increase of their child’s confidence in reading or math through participation in the program
are the quarterly report cards giving them sufficient information regarding their child’s progress in reading or math
are the Title I parent conferences providing them with sufficient information about the program
suggestions for parent workshops
suggestions for strengthening the Title I program
The teacher survey addresses the following:
communication with the Title I tutor, reading specialist and Title I project manager regarding scheduling, instruction, and student progress
collaboration with the Title I tutor, reading specialist and Title I project manager on the reading or math content, concepts being retaught reinforced, and student accommodations for taking the Journeys or enVisionMATH topic tests
improvement of Title I students' performance as a result of participating in the program
suggestions for strengthening the Title I program
The strengths of Hampstead’s Title I program include: committed staff that are respectful of student needs and supportive of classroom teachers; student-centered instruction; communication with parents; and collaboration with classroom teachers. The Title I program is woven into the culture of the school, and is respected as a valuable asset to the exemplary learning environment that defines Hampstead schools.